On the glue problem of box folder gluer machine

I. Description of glue opening phenomenon in paste box

  1. Hard slap will not open the glue, but slowly tear by hand, will not tear the paper, a long time will open the glue. 2. Paste edge and side anti paste edge, the paper does not break, and glue is a hard block attached to the top, does not penetrate the inside of the paper, is a false stick phenomenon.

II.  Inspection steps for glue opening of paste box

  1. Firstly, check whether the paste box operation process and relevant operation technology (pressure, speed and temperature) are produced according to the paste box requirements
  2. Check whether the surface treatment of the product is not suitable for glue and the glue is opened. But the same embossing process, the same dumb glue process, and a single box will open glue, false stick phenomenon. Has been ruled out is the surface treatment process, but the general dumb glue will not appear non stick phenomenon.
  3. Find the glue supplier to find out, and give him a color box to test whether the glue is OK, and check the adaptability of his glue. But our glue supplier has no way to solve it.
  4. We also looked for the glue situation of our peers (HengYuan, Zhonghui, mourlai, Yicai, etc.) and proofed the glue they used. The next day, none of them can be applied.
  5. We checked the adaptability of the paper to the glue, and found that the paper has poor permeability to all the glue in our company. Determine the adaptability of paper to glue is too poor, generally glue can not stick. At the same time, we are looking for paper merchants who do not understand this aspect and are unable to communicate with each other
  6. We found out that it was the problem of the paper itself. When we went outside to find the glue suitable for the paper, we found that we might only use the chronic glue, and let it penetrate slowly and super dry for a few days. As a result, we found that the chronic dry glue is very suitable for this kind of paper.

III. Causes of glue opening in paste box

  1. Because the coating on the back of the paper is too hard and slippery, the glue does not penetrate the inside of the paper, because the paper itself is filled with too much talcum powder, and the pores of the paper itself are sealed, so the glue cannot penetrate.
  2. This kind of paper is just listed Gold Butterfly brand single copper, which is unstable in nature and poor in paper adaptability.

IV.  Recent solutions to the phenomenon of glue opening in paste box

  1. Find the glue with slow and super strong penetration.
  2. On the back of the paper paste edge of the local grinding or beer dense half through the pinhole, so that the glue penetrate the inside of the paper.

V. A long term solution to the phenomenon of glue opening in paste box

  1. Every time you enter a new brand of paper, you must check the permeability of the reverse side of the paper. If you can quickly penetrate the water, there is no problem in pasting the box. If you can’t quickly penetrate the water, that is, the water doesn’t disperse for a few minutes, and the water drops are segmented. It is determined that this kind of paper is not suitable for the penetration of glue, then the phenomenon of false adhesion will occur when pasting the box.
  2. The detection of each batch of glue is in place, at the same time, pay attention to the glue itself to adapt to the material performance.
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